Fish Oils

Fish Oils

XYMOGEN® ArticOils®OmegaPure™ Fish Oils

Essential fatty acids fromcold water fish.

OmegaPure 300 EC™Enteric-Coated Essential Fatty Acids from Cold Water Fish – Cholesterol/PCB-Free

Available in 90 softgels & 270 softgelsOmegaPure 300 EC™ is a molecularly distilled, pure, natural fish oil (triglyceride) providing 300 mg ofomega-3 essential fatty acids per softgel. Due to the variation of EPA and DHA content among catchesof fish, the amounts of these fatty acids in the oil may vary slightly. Mixed tocopherols are present tomaximize freshness. Supportive, but not conclusive research shows that

OmegaPure 600 EC™Enteric-Coated Essential Fatty Acids from Cold Water Fish – Cholesterol/PCB-Free

Available in 60 softgels & 120 softgelsOmegaPure 600 EC™ is an ultra-pure fish oil sourced from Norway. This highly concentrated oil provides600 mg of omega-3 essential fatty acids per softgel. In order to assure maximum freshness, the oil isstabilized with vitamin E, as mixed tocopherols, is molecularly distilled and is independently verified to befree of PCB’s, heavy metals and pesticides. EPA and DHA from fish oil promote cardiovascular health bysupporting optimal triglyceride and cholesterol levels and reducing platelet aggregation. Fish oil has alsobeen shown to promote optimal joint function and overall brain and nervous system function. For optimalcompliance and absorption, it has been provided in a pleasant smelling enteric-coated softgel.

OmegaPure 780 EC™Enteric-Coated Essential Fatty Acids from Cold Water Fish – Cholesterol/PCB-Free

Available in 120 softgelsOmegaPure 780 EC™ is an ultra-pure fi sh oil sourced from Norway. This highly concentrated natural oilprovides 780 mg of omega-3 essential fatty acids per softgel. To assure maximum freshness, the oil isstabilized with vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols), is molecularly distilled, and is independently verifi ed tobe free of PCB’s, heavy metals, and pesticides. EPA and DHA from fi sh oil promote cardiovascular healthby supporting optimal triglyceride and cholesterol levels by reducing platelet aggregation. Fish oil hasalso been shown to promote optimal joint function and healthy brain and nervous system function. Theenteric-coated softgels enhance compliance and absorption.

OmegaPure DHA™High Concentrate DHA

Available in 60 softgelsThis cold water fi sh-derived oil is ultra pure and third party tested for purity. It is a molecularly distilled,highly concentrated, antioxidant-stabilized formula containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3fatty acid that doctors often recommend during pregnancy and lactation to support optimal braindevelopment/function of the fetus and infant. In addition to anti-infl ammatory and immune modulatingactivities, DHA also offers support against age-related disruption of brain function and may support themaintenance of the high DHA levels found in the retina of the eye.

OmegaPure 820™Non-Enteric-Coated Essential Fatty Acids from Cold Water Fish -Cholesterol/ PCB-Free

Available in 120 softgelsOmegaPure 820™ is an ultra-pure fi sh oil sourced from Norway. This highly concentrated natural oilprovides 820 mg of omega-3 essential fatty acids per softgel. To assure maximum freshness, the oil isstabilized with Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols), is molecularly distilled and is independently verifi ed tobe free of PCB’s, heavy metals and pesticides. EPA and DHA from fi sh oil promote cardiovascular healthby supporting optimal triglyceride and cholesterol levels and reducing platelet aggregation. Fish oil hasalso been shown to promote optimal joint function and healthy brain and nervous system function.

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