IgG 2000 DF™

Proprietary Immunoglobulin Concentrate High Potency IgG

A breakthrough in immunoglobulin supplementation, IgG 2000 DF™ is a highly concentrated, non-dairysource of serum-derived immunoglobulin antibodies and immuno-proteins. It possesses three timesmore IgG and total immunoglobulins than colostrum and has twice as much cysteine, an important aminoacid for maintaining glutathione levels. IgG 2000 DF™ delivers fi fteen times the level of transferrin andlactoferrin provided by colostrum, alone. One daily dose of IgG 2000 DF™ supplies more than 2,000 mgof IgG. These and other immune proteins contained in IgG 2000 DF™ have been shown to demonstrateenhancement of immune function by directly boosting immunoglobulin levels in the gastrointestinal tract.IgG 2000 DF™ also contains transferrin and the immunomodulating cytokine TGFß-1.

The basic functions of immunoglobulins are the neutralization and opsonization of foreign microbes.Unlike antibiotics, immunoglobulins enable the immune system to differentiate between foreign microbesand the body’s healthy microfl ora.

The transfer of immunity through oral supplementation is a natural, logical, and effective process forobtaining immunity. In adults, the concentration of immunoglobulin in the digestive tract and on mucosalsurfaces predicts the risk of infection.

Almost 80% of all foreign microbes enter the body through mucosal tissue or stay localized on mucosalsurfaces. Each day, the G.I. tract immune cells produce roughly fi ve grams of immunoglobulins. However,secretion is signifi cantly reduced during times of stress. Supplemental immunoglobulins act fi rst inthe intestinal tract to eliminate or inhibit the proliferation of disease-causing organisms and toxins.This reduces the stimulation of the immune response in the gut so that the body’s resources can beredirected toward challenges elsewhere.

Many of the studies on immunoglobulins involving immune challenge have involved animals, due tothe expense and diffi culty of using human subjects. Studies have shown that oral immuno-proteinsupplementation restores appetite, reduces infl ammation, and promotes improved protein metabolismunder immunological stress. Oral supplementation has been shown to preserve gut wall integrity andprovide intestinal humoral immunity.

Transferrin, a family of iron-binding, bacteriostatic proteins, regulates and reduces the amount of freeiron available to the invading pathogen.

Growth Factors, in proper combination, are thought to play an important role in digestive health andnutrient utilization. The growth factors in IgG 2000 DF™ are similar to the level and balance found inhealthy individuals. TGFß-1 and IGF-I are involved in the restitution of cells damaged in the digestivetract. An increase in the level of IGF-I in serum has been associated with increases in lean tissue massand greater protein effi ciency. TGFß-1 is known to stimulate the secretion of IgA.

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